Download and share everything you need for a successful fundraiser!

What’s different with Axxess this year – Fall 2021!
- Simplified – All Membership sales will be made by cash or check to your organization whether using our order forms or if you have memberships on hand to sell.
- All fundraising partners must create an online account with us and will order our order forms and the Axxess Memberships when ready. Everything will be shipped to
- There is no option for people to purchase a Membership online or through the Axxess office and have proceeds benefit your school or organization.
- There are no costs to fundraise with us, no processing or shipping fees!
- All the materials you need can be downloaded here on our website 24/7
- There’s no printed book or Card anymore. All merchant offers will be exclusively found on our mobile app and offers can only be redeemed using the Axxess App.
The program dates are January 2, 2022 through December 30, 2022.
Below you’ll find all the text & files you’ll need to create a successful fundraiser for your school or non-profit group!

Why sharing matters
Everything is different this year for our Axxess Fundraisers due to COVID. Leverage your different sharing channels like facebook, Instagram, ParentSquare, Nextdoor and emailing within your networks to deliver the attention your fundraiser deserves!
Make your subject line count
Personalize your messages
Keep it short and sweet
Make the impact clear
Use the visual content available below
And most importantly, have fun and great success!
Tag all online posts with #axxessfundraising
Public Posts & eMails for Coordinators to communicate
(all digital)
Click to expand and contract for details.
POST # 1: Send 3 days before start of your fundraiser
POST TYPE: eMail, ParentSquare if applicable
To: All Staff Only
Subject: Axxess Fundraiser – Teacher & Staff Memo
Copy and paste text, Image file to download below: “Axxess Fundraising Prize Card” found in the IMAGES FOR SOCIAL MEDIA tab.
For our Spanish speaking friends: Click the flag at the top of the page to convert language.

Axxess Fundraising kicks off this week on the 18th of September and there’s very little for you to do — nothing to distribute or keep track of!
Kindly hype the kids up to sell and earn the new, cool prizes. If you can do this every few days that’d be greatly appreciated. The prizes are:
• Sell 2 = Axxess PrizeCard
• Sell 5 = $20 Axxess Shop Local Visa debit Card
• Sell 10 = $50 Axxess Shop Local Visa debit Card
• Top Sellers = $100 Axxess Shop Local Visa debit Card (15 minimum)
• Free Membership for Teachers if School sells the same # as last year!
Axxess Memberships are only $40 and now include all merchants in both Santa Barbara & Ventura Counties! Plus we earn $13/per!
The Axxess Fundraiser goes through Friday, October, 2nd.
POST # 2: Send on start date of your fundraiser
POST TYPE: eMail, ParentSquare if applicable
To: All Staff & Parents
Subject: Axxess Fundraiser Fun & Kick-Off!
Copy and paste text and download PDF files below: “Parent Flyer to print and pass around!” And the “Color in and Pass Around Flyers” found in the PRINTABLE FLYERS AND INFORMATION tab.
For our Spanish speaking friends: Click the flag at the top of the page to convert language.

Axxess Fundraising Kicks Off TODAY!
It’s so easy this year! Leverage your different sharing channels like facebook, Instagram, ParentSquare, Nextdoor, and email within your networks of friends, family, and coworkers to deliver the attention to your school fundraiser!
At checkout on the Axxess website, they simply select our school and can type in your student’s name so he or she gets credit for awesome prizes available to win! Friends who are existing members can do the same on the Axxess Mobile App through the shop link!
Make sure to share this link in all your posts and emails!
And please add the hashtag: #axxessfundraising Also, make sure to download the updated Axxess app for your phone or tablet!
There are great new prizes including a $100 Axxess Visa Shop Local Debit Card!
Attached are printable flyers that anyone can use to promote our fundraiser, as well as one that students can use and keep them entertained with a coloring project!
Please circulate and encourage orders and safely get the kids involved. Just print’m out, follow the instructions, and have fun selling!
You can download images for your social media and more at to help spread the word. The more you do, the more we’ll raise.
New to Axxess?! Axxess is the best way to save locally on dining out, golf, wine tasting, your home, your health, your car, your kids and more! Just one Card that works at over 1,000 local businesses and includes 400+ 2-for-1’s!
Membership now includes all merchants in both Santa Barbara & Ventura Counties!
$40 each and we earn $13/per!
Purchase online at OR in the Axxess App.
Update your Axxess App if you haven’t already!
Happy Safe Fundraising!
POST # 3: Send one week +/- after fundraiser start
POST TYPE: eMail, ParentSquare if applicable
To: All Staff & Parents
Subject: Axxess Fundraising Reminder
Reminder! The Axxess Fundraiser ends this week!
Help us raise funds by selling Axxess Memberships to friends, family and coworkers and win cool prizes. Our fundraiser ends this Friday. Continue to sell memberships to help our school!
PTA Contact: _______________________________________________________
Axxess supports schools AND local businesses! Send us an email & mention your school to receive a special promotion to jump start your advertising with Axxess! [email protected]
POST # 4: Send two weeks +/- after fundraiser start
POST TYPE: eMail, ParentSquare if applicable
To: All Staff & Parents
Subject: Axxess Fundraising Progress
Note: It’s easy to find how your Axxess Fundraiser is going. Using the Axxess mobile app, simply go to “MY ACCOUNT” then select “I Support” and make sure that you’ve selected your school! Now on the home page, in real-time, you can see how much your fundraiser has earned. If you want to know how many have been sold, simply divide the money earned by 13! Even if you haven’t started your fundraiser yet, and someone chooses to support you now, you will earn $13 for that order!
For our Spanish speaking friends: Click the flag at the top of the page to convert language.
We’re almost there!
We could really use your help getting the word out and more orders these final days!
If we hit our goal, all our Teachers get a FREE Membership so let’s push hard.
Be sure to post your selling efforts on social media and email everyone you know so we can raise the needed funds and you can win cool prizes! Visit this link for images to use
Go to or buy in the Axxess App!
The fundraiser ends (insert the date). Thank you!
POST # 5: Send one day before your final day of your fundraiser
POST TYPE: eMail, ParentSquare if applicable
To: All Staff & Parents
Subject: This Friday is the Last Day for Sales, Orders due!
Note: For prizes and memberships will be mailed or distributed in November (actual dates will be determined due to each school’s individual needs and safety protocols).
For our Spanish speaking friends: Click the flag at the top of the page to convert language.
Final chance to win cool prizes!
Additional orders can still benefit our school!
Prizes and memberships will be mailed or distributed in November.
Thank you!
POST # 6: Send after your fundraiser has ended at your discretion
POST TYPE: eMail, ParentSquare if applicable
To: All Staff & Parents
Subject: Fundraiser Success/Completed
For our Spanish speaking friends: Click the flag at the top of the page to convert language.
We raised/sold (insert #)! Thank you!
Additional orders can still benefit our school and memberships will be mailed in November.
Prizes will be handed out as soon as we have a safe environment to do so.
Great Job & Thank you!
Tag all online posts with #axxessfundraising
Public Posts & eMails for Coordinators to communicate
Use in email communication to teachers & parents. Simply copy and paste!
POST # 1: Send 3 days before start of your fundraiser
POST TYPE: eMail, ParentSquare if applicable
To: All Staff Only
Subject: Axxess Fundraiser – Teacher & Staff Memo

Axxess Fundraising kicks off this week! Here’s what you need to know:
- Please hand out one fundraising packet per student and have the students write in their name, teacher & school at the top (if it wasn’t already done in advance).
- The “Checks payable to” field should be your organization (NOT Axxess)
- As the packets are turned in, keep them in a safe and secure place. The fundraising volunteers will collect these at the end.
- That’s it! No need to track who sold what and please do NOT remove the cash or checks from the envelopes.
ALL TEACHERS WILL RECEIVE A FREE AXXESS MEMBERSHIP! Thanks so much for your help in making this a successful fundraiser for our school!
Hype the kids up to sell and earn cool prizes. If you can do this every few days that’d be greatly appreciated. The prizes are:
• Sell 1 = Axxess Prize Card (this is NEW! Students only need to sell ONE to win this prize!)
• Sell 5 = $20 Cash Card
• Sell 10 = $50 Cash Card
• Sell 15 = $100 Cash Card (school must sell a minimum of 200 total memberships to qualify for this prize)
PTA Contact: ___________________________________
POST # 2: Send on the start date of your fundraiser
POST TYPE: eMail, ParentSquare if applicable
To: All Staff & Parents
Subject: Axxess Fundraiser Fun & Kickoff – Starts TODAY
Axxess Fundraising Kicks Off TODAY!
Each student will bring home a fundraising packet to use to sell Axxess Memberships and collect funds. Purchase a few for your family and sell to friends, neighbors & co-workers. Spread the word through your social media channels and get involved to help us raise money and earn cool prizes.
Participants can win:
- Sell 1 = Axxess Prize Card (New this year! Just sell ONE and win!)
- Sell 5 = $20 Cash Card
- Sell 10 = $50 Cash Card
- Sell 15 = $100 Cash Card (school must sell a minimum of 200 total memberships to qualify for this prize)
Axxess Memberships are only $40 and include all merchants in both Santa Barbara & Ventura Counties! Our school gets $13 per sale! This is one of our biggest fundraisers!
New to Axxess? Axxess is the best way to save locally on dining out, golf, wine tasting, your home, your health, your car, your kids and more! Membership boasts over 3,000 exclusive discounts across Santa Barbara & Ventura Counties.
The Axxess Fundraiser goes through Friday, October 14th. (OR ENTER DATE THAT YOUR FUNDRAISER ENDS)
PTA Contact: _______________________________________________________
POST # 3: Send one week +/- after fundraiser start
POST TYPE: eMail, ParentSquare if applicable
To: All Staff & Parents
Subject: Axxess Fundraising Reminder
Reminder! The Axxess Fundraiser ends this week!
Help us raise funds by selling Axxess Memberships to friends, family and coworkers and win cool prizes. Our fundraiser ends this Friday. Continue to sell memberships to help our school!
PTA Contact: _______________________________________________________
Axxess supports schools AND local businesses! Send us an email & mention your school to receive a special promotion to jump start your advertising with Axxess! [email protected]
Print & distribute or email to teachers, parents, students and/or members of your group!